"Obox preheats the water that feeds the water heater by capturing the heat from the waste water in the shower as it is discharged."
Obox is a heat recovery unit for your shower wastewater: it allows you to save 63% of your hot water energy bill by heating the water that supplies the water heater (gas, electric or other) and the cold water of the mixer.
You save energy because:
your water heater recovers water already at 30°C -- it works much less
your shower mixer tap already has water at 30°C, it only needs to make a small amount of hot water to mix it at 40°C. Your hot water consumption is reduced.
You can buy Obox on Amazon.com today.
Obox is coming in a smaller form factor and lower price. This fall, EHTech will announce Obox mini, the smallest self-cleaning WWHRS ever.
Efficient and durable waste water heat recovery is getting even cheaper than the Obox. The new Obox mini will be launched as the cheapest, smallest self-cleaning waste water heat recovery unit ever.
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